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"Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude."


We believe that God designed each and every one of us to be in community with fellow believers. We also believe that small groups are one of the best ways to get connected at 4C, to grow in your discipleship, and to spur others on towards the Lord. We pray that you will consider joining a group this Winter. We have small groups for everyone: men, women, couples, young adults, and students. Small group registration will be open on Sunday, December 22nd, and will close on February 9th. Groups will begin meeting the week of January 26th and end the week of April 26th.


You can view and sign-up for a small group via the link below or by looking over the Small Group catalogues which are located on the seats in our auditorium; You can view in-person during our Sunday services.


Sign up for a Small Group HERE!


Hosting a small group

You don't have to be a bible scholar to host a group. If you have a willing heart we will equip you to host a group. Click the link below to connect with a pastor or ask questions you may have about hosting a group at Four Corners.

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